About 2018-07-16T21:17:46+00:00

Biography of Caroline Kyhl

Caroline Kyhl has a passion for education and self-improvement, and desire to motivate and help others.  With a BS in Biology, a BA in Education, a Master’s degree and PhD in Science Education, Caroline served as an educator in the public schools for over 25 years.  For 10 of those years, she prepared newly certified teachers and re-inspired experienced teachers as a tenured university professor.

Caroline’s love for education evolved to include fitness.  Believing you are never too old to learn and improve yourself, she began inline speed skating at the age of 38.  She also served as a skating coach for many years.  By the age of 50, Caroline earned a national championship title, winning the 1000 m race against ladies who had skated 20 or more years longer than she had.  

At 53 Caroline took up bodybuilding to handle some developing health issues.  By the age of 55 Caroline 

became a three-time nationally qualified NPC Bikini Bodybuilding competitor and her doctor pronounced her healthier than she had ever been.

Caroline is currently a certified personal trainer and is helping ladies to become better, healthier versions of themselves.  Initially focusing on educating and transforming minds, Caroline now works with clients in the education and transformation of their minds and their bodies.  If you have a desire to be Fit and Fab in your Fifties, then reach out and see how Caroline can assist you in reaching your personal goals.  There is hope after 50!

 Body Building Competition Pictures

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